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      2023 Zonta Club of Longview Logo        

Help Change the World for Women and Children
                                          Become a Member! 


Membership Application

  • Eligible for membership are executives and professionals, women (and men at Club option) in decision-making positions willing to support and implement the Objects of Zonta International.  
  • To be invited to membership, a candidate shall be actively engaged in a recognized business or profession in a decision-making capacity or have experience in a recognized business or profession in a decision-making capacity.
  • The Club Organization, Membership and Classification Committee (OMC) shall consider all proposals for membership and present the names of candidates to the Club Board.  On approval, the OMC Chair shall extend a written invitation to the person accepted to become a member and notify the Club membership.  At Club option, membership may be informed of the candidates for Club membership before invitation to become a member is extended.
  • A Classified member has all rights and responsibilities of membership, including the right to hold office and represent the Club at meetings, except as otherwise provided by the Bylaws. 
Election of Members:
  • Proposals for membership shall be made upon the Club's prospective membership form and shall be signed by one classified member.
  • The OMC Committee shall investigate all proposals for membership.  The Committee shall forward the name of any candidate that it approves for membership to the Board for consideration.  If approved by a  two-third vote of the Board, the name of the candidate shall be submitted in writing to each member of the Club.  During a period of ten days from date of submission, any member may file objection to granting membership to the candidate.  If, during that period, two members of the Club file objections in writing which, in the opinion of the Board are held to be valid, the favorable action of the Board shall be nullified.  A name once failing election may not be proposed again until expiration of at least one year.  If two objections held by the Board to be valid have not been filed within the ten-day period, the OMC Chair shall extend a written invitation to the person accepted to become a member.
  • A member of another Zonta Club who moves to the geographical location of the Zonta Club of Longview may transfer membership to that Club, provided the required dues have been paid. 
Membership Financial Policies:
  • Each member shall pay annual dues on or before April 1.  
  • From these dues, the Club shall pay the annual dues and fees of members to Zonta International and the District.
  • Any member in arrears for dues for 60 days shall forfeit membership.  A member dropped for nonpayment of dues may be reinstated upon payment of current obligations plus a reinstatement fee.

NOTE:  Additional Membership information may be found in the official Zonta Manual.